Thursday, 26 May 2016

Painting with Cars

Although, this is by no means a new activity, it's a favourite in our house. Getting cars all "painty" is always an easy sell with preschoolers. It's a very simple process oriented art activity that doesn't require much set up. All you need is paint, a handful of toy vehicles, and your choice of paper.
I blobbed paint into a reusable tray so that Mr. Jeej would be able to dip his cars into the paint by himself. He (and just about every other preschooler) loves any opportunity to engage in something independently. For Baby E, I dipped the car, well actually monster truck (these were the easiest for her to grasp) in the paint and let her roll the truck around. She was super impressed with the result! Although my 11 month old really enjoyed this activity, I would say that if you'd like to try this with an infant, be prepared for a mess! Baby E loved to roll her truck onto the floor and watch the wheels create tracks on the floor as well.

Mr. Jeej loved the idea that using different vehicles produced a different track mark on his page. This activity provides endless opportunities for exploration with colour as well. He experimented with dipping each wheel I different paint colours. The result were gorgeous! Also, I will say that this is one of the few activities that Mr. Jeej actually is excited to help clean up. I gave him a bowl of soapy water, a towel, and the job of getting the paint off of the vehicle wheels. The whole painting and clean up kept the two littles engaged for over an hour, which is a huge success in my books!